Small classes limited to 8-12 pupils
Focused 9+ and 11+ syllabus
Expert knowledge of local schools

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Year 5 Tuition

As your child progresses to year 5, the program of study becomes more challenging.

Though it still incorporates a lot of the year 4 skills, your child will learn to analyse and solve more complex problems.



As well as Comprehension, Reading Strategies and Language covered in year 4, we will also cover the following:

  • Literature comprising of fiction and non-fiction reading and poetry.
  • Comprehension including comparing and contrasting texts, expressing opinion and using structure and variation.
  • The use of language, placing emphasis on:
    • Metaphors and Personification
    • Alliteration
    • Assonance
    • Connectives
    • Clauses
    • Onomatopoeia


Your child is encouraged to compose media based texts, leaflets and brochures as well as formal and informal letters, paying extra attention to both spelling and handwriting. The teaching covers all aspects of punctuation and grammar.


Verbal Reasoning is a tool to test language aptitude in children. Although not part of the primary school curriculum, Verbal Reasoning is an integral part of logical thinking and problem solving. The range of topics covered are as follows:

  • Related words: identification of group of words
  • Synonyms: similar words
  • Antonyms: opposite words
  • Words closest in meaning
  • Crosswords
  • Filling in missing words
  • Letter and number sequence
  • Letter and number codes
  • Making new words by changing letters
  • Compound words made by combining two words to make a new one
  • Finding hidden words
  • Finding words that are the odd ones out in given groups of words
  • Number logic


We consolidate much of the material taught in year 4, with greater attention given to advanced number work, shape, space, measuring and handling data. Pupils will also be introduced to new topics such as:

  • Mean, mode and median
  • Angles, area, perimeter, volume and symmetry
  • Sets and Venn diagrams
  • Pie charts
  • Algebra
  • Number sequences
  • Ratio, proportion and probability
  • Tables and data handling
  • Organising and comparing data
  • Shapes: triangle, circle, quadrilaterals, polygons, rhombus, kite and parallelograms


Non-verbal reasoning is used to test the ability to understand visual information and solve problems using visual reasoning. Although it is not taught separately as part of the primary school curriculum, non-verbal reasoning is an integral part of logical thinking and problem solving particularly in maths, science, and design and technology. Success in non-verbal reasoning does not rely on having strong literacy skills. The range of topics covered are as follows:

  • Differences and similarities: finding shapes which are similar and different in a given group of shapes
  • Matrices: finding a missing shape in a pattern
  • Reflection: mirror images
  • Analogies: pairing up shapes
  • Cubes and nets: folding and unfolding
  • Identifying shapes and patterns
  • Process graphic or pictorial information
  • Understand how objects relate to each other in space (spatial awareness)
  • Find and follow patterns and rules
  • Rotation, reflection, symmetry
Limited Places at TFS!
Based in Hampton, Middlesex.
Parking available
Laying the foundation from an early age